ADworld Experience is the largest Pay Per Click & Conversion Rate Optimization combined event in Europe and the largest in the World based on PPC-Cases-Only. We know we manage one of the most advanced training events in the World, but saying it by ourselves is very easy. That’s why we prefer others to say what they think about our conference. More than 1200 people joined previous editions, with an astounding 99.7% of respondents stating that they will suggest to attend to friends & colleagues (this comes out from our end of the day questionnaires).
Here’s 2018 video review:
ADworld Experience 2019, will take place at the Zanhotel Europa hotel on April 4th and 5th in Bologna and includes: 22 real PPC & CRO cases, 16 advanced seminars and 1200 participants.
The event is based on several sessions at the same time, with a real-time translation service for the advanced seminars broadcast on 4 April and all the international cases of 5 April. Be a part of this event.
For more information ,please visit our official websites.
from MunchEye - I.M. Product Launch CalendarMunchEye – I.M. Product Launch Calendar
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