Freitag, 29. März 2019

| Beyond Tellerrand Germany


One of the main reasons why the event is a success is the help of you. Yes you. Because you spread the word about it on twitter, facebook, your blog and where ever you can. Keep on rocking and if you don’t know what beyond tellerrand mean, check the information below.

beyond tellerrand is running in Düsseldorf in May and Berlin in November each year, selling out with 500 attendees each time. In 2018 Munich was added to the list of shows as well.

In 2010 Marc Thiele founded beyond tellerrand. The name beyond tellerrand expresses the aim, that everybody involved wants look a bit further, look beyond the edge. It also reflects the global perspective of the event. The expression is a mix of the English word “beyond” and the German phrase “Über den Tellerrand schauen,” which means “Think outside the box”. The exact translation for the sentence is “Take a look beyond the edge of the plate” … makes sense? 😉

The community spirit and family atmosphere at beyond tellerrand are truly special and lead to an intense and memorable experience for all. This is also part of what drives our attractive pricing for attendees. Where else can you get two days with a high quality line-up for just €179 Euro including VAT and booking fees?

Join us for the ninth edition of beyond tellerrand in our home town. 2 days of inspiring and motivating talks and Side Events like the Indie Web Camp on Saturday and Sundays or the Accessibility Club on Wednesday around these dates. We got some last-minute workshop additions as well and only one speaker has to be revealed. So, stay tuned for more information soon or join our mailing list to stay up to date.

from MunchEye - I.M. Product Launch CalendarMunchEye – I.M. Product Launch Calendar

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