Montag, 15. November 2021

2021-11-22 | Barb Ling et al – LBMV1: List Builder Vol 2: Beginners Metaverse Profiting

Barb Ling and Dennis Becker here and we are thrilled to announce our latest!

Product: “List Builder VOL2 – Beginners Metaverse Profiting w/Rebranding AND Giveaway Rights”

Platform: W+

Commissions: 60% FE, 50% on all upsells

Affiliate Link:

This is Hugely EVERGREEN and enables buyers to build their list by offering this extremely powerful, time-saving gorgeously formatted electronic handbook about the next evolution of the Internet… otherwise known as the Metaverse.

1.) Front End:  “LBMV1: List Builder VOL2 – Beginners Metaverse Profiting w/Giveaway AND Rebranding Rights”

  • Gorgeously formatted power electronic handbook that reveals why the Metaverse is such a big deal – excellent list builder!  Includes both rebranding AND giveaway rights.

$17, 60% affiliate commission  (downsell removes rebranding rights, $9.95)

2. Upsell: PLR 

  • Buyers can claim ownership, use in any way the buyer prefers and keep 100% of their profits

Dimesale $27, 50% Commission

3. Cross-Sell : TBD

  • Coming soon!

Dimesale $7.67, 50% Commission

4. Cross-Sell : TBD

  • Coming soon!

Dimesale $25.67, 50% Commission

5. Upsell: Entrepreneurial and Executive eSquared club

from MunchEye - I.M. Product Launch CalendarMunchEye – I.M. Product Launch Calendar

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