Montag, 26. Juli 2021

2021-07-28 | Stickers Empire

Hello and welcome to the official Stickers Empire JV Page.

“Stickers Empire” is a video series to show your customers how to create a beautiful stickers store based on the RedBubble portal.
We show every step of the process through nine videos, from ideation to best niches and from creation to advertising.
The front-end price is $17 at 50% commissions.
The OTO1 shows some advanced strategies and techniques to create and sell stickers.
OTO2 is a collection of some of our best printable products. We sell it for $27 at 50% commissions.
OTO3 is a second collection of top printable products, sold for $37 at 50% commissions.
Finally, OTO4 is a private webinar on profiting from stickers in a whole different way. Its price is $67, at 50%.
We really hope to count you in!
Thanks a lot, and see you on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni & Andreas Quintana

from MunchEye - I.M. Product Launch CalendarMunchEye – I.M. Product Launch Calendar

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