It’s exactly what it sounds like folks.. The AffiliateShortcut system is downright genius! Jamie Lewis is releasing his campaigns for the world to see and the results are downright shocking! Over 5 million in affiliate commissions and without technology, funnels or moving parts.”
After over $900,000 in sales and $600k in commissions paid out the past year, Jamie Lewis is back..
Where we have one mission.. Upgrading your subscribers status from Ordinary to Rockstar in over 30 days..
Assets used:
*Facebook ads (10 actual campaigns you can ethically Jack from Jamie and use yourself)
*Youtube (Use Jamie’s actual winning videos and settings)
*Adwords (Use Jamie’s actual adwords campaigns)
*Craigslist – This one is the most “hidden” shortcut of them all
*Email marketing
We are giving away $2000 in prizes to the top affiliates and we are also going to be driving our own traffic at your links forcing your commissions if you do a video review for us.
This is sure to be one of the top offers in our space for a long time to come and we want to work with you to ensure YOUR success.
With over ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED dollars potential per sale this is sure to be an absolute winner and conversions are always superior with my launches.
The product is a perfect marriage of Training and technology for affiliate marketing like you’ve never seen before.
We want everyone involved in this, and support your launches for many years to come in return.
We want to show your subscribers the meat & potatoes of not only MY campaigns, but my observation of hundreds and hundreds of my student’s and their campaigns.. like how to build a bomb shelter and then make $400 dehydrated food commissions from the video on how they built the bomb shelter..
And the secrets behind demoing and unboxing from youtube for commissions..
Basically, your subs will be picking up babes from the airport even they driving a dilapidated 1986 ford bronco.
So instead of catching a fish once a month Im spilling the beans with the insider secrets to scoop them up with buckets daily..
And you are going to be the receiver of commissions my friend.
Were doing this together..
So July 22nd, let’s do this.. AFFILIATESHORTCUT.
$1600 potential per customer.. HUGE Estimated EPC based on past launches..
This combination of training and technology is going to help you, your subscribers and customers “leapfrog” smack dab into the markets and scoop up a boatload of commissions in your spare time.
The campaigns are easy, fun and done in such a different way than you are used to it’s going to be one refreshing summer!
$5000 are up for prizes with a $3000 first place prize.
$3000 to first
$750 to second
$500 to third
$250 to fourth
$150 to fifth
$100 to sixth
$75 to seventh
$50 to eighth
$50 to ninth
$50 to tenth
If you would like to participate in the “Traffic Rotator” and get “Forced Commissions” please email Jamie at
Let’s make some money together and good luck!
from MunchEye - I.M. Product Launch CalendarMunchEye – I.M. Product Launch Calendar
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