As an online marketer, your everyday work landscape evolves constantly. You want to stay up to date on the most important international developments and want to be aware of how other companies use their search-engine marketing and search engine optimization.
Friends of Search flies international search-experts to Amsterdam so they can share their knowledge with you! Also this year there are many inspiring search speakers on the stage of the Kromhouthal.
Here’s the highlight video:
The sixth edition of Friends of Search will be hosted in the Kromhouthal in Amsterdam on the 6th of February. This year sees the unmissable congress for (online) marketeer and SEO/SEA specialists in the Benelux region and has more international speakers than ever.
As an online marketeer you want to stay up to date on the most important international developments and want to be aware about how other companies use their search-engine marketing and search-engine optimisation. With Friends of Search you don’t have to go abroad anymore. We fly all our search-experts in to Amsterdam so they can share their knowledge with you! We find them in countries which develop faster in the ‘search-industry’, such as England, Germany and the United States.
Come and join us at this event. For more details, please visit our official website.
from MunchEye - I.M. Product Launch CalendarMunchEye – I.M. Product Launch Calendar
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