Freitag, 1. Februar 2019

2019-02-04 | Mike Paul -The Bingdin Offline Client Grabber

Offline Consultants who solve the nagging “Lead Problem”  have an Upper Hand Over All Other Consultants using “Molasses slow” methods from the stone age!

Hello Fellow Affiliates! Another super exciting launch is underway… but THIS TIME it’s a little different…

One problem that seems to be the Achilles heel for the offline consultant has stuck around like an annoying inlaw for decades.

What am I talking about?  “The Lead Problem”

So with this launch, I’ve decided to focus just on getting Leads For the Local Consultant’s business.  That’s it!

An Unexpected Converging of 2 Advertising Platforms (NOT Google and NOT Facebook)

There’s very little online about what Bing and Linkedin have in common now for offline advertising…

It’s almost like they’re trying to keep this a secret to themselves, but I’ve unveiled a new targeting strategy that does this for the consultant:

  • Simplifies the notoriously difficult task of targeting with Paid Ads
  • Amplifies targeting for the Offline Space for faster more accurate results
  • Gives newbies the opp to advertise like a Polished Expert!

What am I talking about?

Targeting Linkedin business profiles within Bing Ads!!


Front End: $27 @ 60% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)

OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

Mike Paul

Skype: mikepaul

from MunchEye - I.M. Product Launch CalendarMunchEye – I.M. Product Launch Calendar

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